
Memorandum of cooperation signed with the Institute of National History

Today in the State Archives, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Director of the State Archives, Mr. Hrista Najdanov, and the Director of the Institute of National History, Prof. Dr. Mitko Panov, with whom the joint cooperation will expand in the future.
The memorandum was a long-standing need of the employees of the two related institutions, and the conclusion is in addition to the achievements of the Macedonian historical science. The Memorandum envisages joint scientific research activities abroad of professionals from the State Archives and the Institute of National History, organizing joint conferences and projects, professional development, mutual support in the process of digitization of archival material and many other novelties. At the beginning of each year, the two institutions will determine the priorities and coordinate the annual work programs.
           After the act of signing, the directors emphasized that the strengthening of scientific and research activity is possible only by unifying resources and capacities in favor of national history.

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