The State Archives is going to take participation at the Book Fair, which will be held from 18 to 24 April in the Boris Trajkovski Arena, representing its publishing activity with approximately 40 publications regarding the history, including monographs and miscellanies of documents. The exhibited publications will be sold at discount prices of 30 percent of the regular prices, while all of the State Archives publications can be obtained at the same discounted price in the Stete Archives - Central offices for the duration of the Book Fair.
Во рамките на Промотивниот центар на саемот ќе се промовираат две најнови изданија на Државниот архив.
The promotions shall be held in the following terms:
- 19.4.2024 (Friday) 12.00-12.45 - Book of Memories: Jewish Pupils and Students from the City of Skopje (1920 - 1943) Dr. Jasmona Damjanovska, Professor Dr. Lenina Zhila, Professor Dr. Aleksandar Manojlovski;
- 20.4.2024 (Saturday) 15.00-15.45 The 1913 Debar - Ohrid September Uprising, Serbian Documents - Professor Dr. Muzafer Bislimi.
Ги покануваме сите граѓани да го посетат нашиот штанд на Саемот на книгата.