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The head of the State Archives - Kumanovo participated in an International Conference in Elbasan

            The head of the Department of the State Archives - Kumanovo, Vulnet Iseni, MA, participated in the VIII International Conference of Archives in Elbasan, Republic of Albania, which was held on June 8 and 9, 2024.

            Vulnet Iseni, MA, presented his paper at the conference, the topic of which covers the attitudes of the Union of Communists of Macedonia in the city of Kumanovo towards inter-ethnicrelations and their views towards the so-called "Albanian nationalism and separatism" and the tasks of communist association. Archival funds from the Department of the State Archives - Kumanovo were used for the preparation of this paper.

            The organizers of the conference were the Main Directorate of Archives of the Republic of Albania and the State Agency of Archives of Kosovo. Within the framework of the visit to the city of Elbasan, the manager Iseni met with the manager of the District Archive of Elbasan.

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