
Cultural Bridge Between Two Friendly Nations

Today in Istanbul, at the Congress Center of the General Directorate of State Archives of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, the exhibition titled "Documents and Photographs of Macedonia in the Ottoman Period" was ceremoniously opened.

This exhibition is the culmination of the traditionally strong cooperation between the State Archives of the Republic of North Macedonia and the General Directorate of State Archives of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey. It was officially inaugurated by Mr. Hrista Najdanov and Prof. Dr. Ugur Unal.

Both state archival institutions house extensive archival documentation (tax registers, court records, firmans, berats, vakıfnames, property-legal documents, and photographs) that bear witness to Macedonia during the Ottoman rule (16th – 20th century). The exhibition comprises 34 panels, 17 from each side, featuring 136 photographs and documents.

During the opening of the exhibition, the State Archives publication, *Ottoman Documents on the History of Macedonia: Censuses from the First Half of the 19th Century (1831/1833)*, was also promoted. This publication, authored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adnan Sherif, covers the Roma Christian, Islamic, and Jewish populations, as well as the Christian artisan population in the city of Skopje – Skopje Sanjak, Skopje Kaza, Volume 2, Book 2.

The event garnered significant interest and was attended by the Consul of the Republic of North Macedonia in the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Idriz Fazlioski.

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