International cooperation and research

In the framework of international cooperation and in order to supplement the archival funds available to the State Archives of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, research is carried out to find, record and copy documents that are important for the history of the Macedonian people and Macedonia, and which are are in private ownership with the holders in the Republic of Macedonia or are kept in foreign archives.

For that purpose, the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia since its independence in 1991 and its acceptance as an equal member of the international community until today has concluded several agreements for cooperation with archival institutions abroad.

The State Archive of the Republic of Macedonia has renewed the cooperation agreements with some archival institutions.

These Agreements enable exchange of archival experts, in order to exchange experiences for the organization of the work of archives (protection, processing and use of archival material, microfilming, conservation, restoration, digitalization, etc.), conducting research and exchanging copies of archival material, exchange of publications (collections of documents and professional and scientific literature), organization of professional and scientific consultations and archival exhibitions, publication of joint or individual collections of documents on historical relations between the contracting parties and the like.

In the country, the research is conducted by hiring archivists from the State Archives. Correspondence is maintained with the holders of archive material, personal contacts are made and the conditions under which the archive material can be handed over to the State Archive are agreed.

  • In September 1992 in Montreal - Canada the State Archive of the Republic of Macedonia was admitted to the International Council on Archives (ICA), as a member of category A. The International Archive Council has more than 1,400 members from around 190 countries around the world. The International Archive Council cooperates with UNESCO and other related international organizations and implements archival projects sponsored by the Council of Europe and the European Union;
  • On December 6, 2010, the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia became a member of ICARUS (International Center for Archival Research ), based in Vienna, Austria. ICARUS is a joint platform of the Central European Archive Institutions that provides mutual support for technical issues and has more than 100 members.