

The State Archives - Department of Prilep celebrates 66 years of its existence today. On this day the first important steps regarding our past, history and culture were made. In fact, the establishment of the Prilep Archives marked the beginning of the institutional creation of the treasury of documents and materials referring to our history, culture and tradition.

Досега, при работата на Архивот во Прилеп се постигнати значајни резултати и се воспоставени солидни професионални односи со речиси сите општествени институции, а вредно и посветено се работи и со приватните иматели.  Минатата година се одбележа и мал јубилеј кога, меѓу другото, е објавена и монографијата ,,65 години Архив во Прилеп (1955 – 1920)”, а по тој повод се организираа и повеќе презентации, предавања и изложби.

One of the especially important events linked with the activity of the Prilep Archives and our history is this year's publication of the brochure: DOCUMENTS ABOUT PRILEP AND KRUŠEVO FROM THE ILINDEN PERIOD, as well as the video-presentation about the Ilinden Period, which opened the manifestation 10 DAYS OF KRUŠEVO REPUBLIC.

- Augmenting the documentation in the Prilep Archives with important documents and materials from private fonds, which testify about our history and identity, as well as archiving works and document of prominent individual of our culture, art and science, and the other authors who left their trace in the overall development of Prilep and its region. Also, several interesting exhibitions are being prepared, and they will promulgate several original documents of our history, culture and tradition, testifying the development of the Macedonian identity.

The Prilep Archives expects open and functional cooperation with the media regarding all these events, so that our public can be familiarized about these events dedicated to our past.


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