
Participation at a meeting of the Editorial Board of the magazine of the Historical Archives of Pozarevac and a working meeting with the vice-president of the International Center for Archival Research (ICARUS)

The Deputy Director of the State Archives of the Republic of North Macedonia Mr. Dimitar Bogeski, MA, and Ms. Svetlana Usprcova, Head of the Department for Research, International and Domestic Cooperation and Publication of Archive Materials, at the invitation of Dr. Jasmina Nikolic, director of the Historical Archive of Pozarevac and editor of the magazine of the Historical Archive of Pozarevac - "Zapisi", participated at a meeting of the Editorial Board of the "Zapisi" Magazine, i.e. of its thirteenth issue, which was held in Pozarevac, on August 30, 2024, and later held a working meeting with the vice-president of the International Center for Archival Research (ICARUS), Dr. Vlatka Lemić.

Dimitar Bogeski M.A. and Svetlana Usprcova had the opportunity to review all the received proposals for the thirteenth issue together with the members of the Editorial Board of the "Zapisi" Magazine, and to divide them into the appropriate headings, and to also discuss the applicable rules when publishing scientific papers, as well as the numerous challenges which the archivists and the archival sciences from the region are currently facing.

The report titled as "31st. International Convention of the International Center for Archival Research - ICARUS, held in Skopje and Ohrid on November 8, 9 and 10, 2023" by Svetlana Usprcova was submitted to the "Zapisi" Magazine, no. 13, in the heading "International Archival and Cultural Cooperation (Scientific Gatherings, Conferences...)"

The Deputy Director of the State Archives, Mr. Dimitar Bogeski, MA, after the meeting of the Editorial Board, spoke with Ms. Daniela Mrda, MA, the Director of the Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, regarding the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the State Archives of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, concluded in March 2023 and the possibility to prepare a joint exhibition of archive materials with significance for the history of the two countries.

Mr. Dimitar Bogeski, MA, also spoke with Dr. Vlatka Lemić, the Vice-President of the International Center for Archival Research (ICARUS), regarding the active involvement of the State Archives of the Republic of North Macedonia in the activities and projects/platforms of ICARUS, such as the Monasterium, Topotheque, C4Education etc.

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