
Archivists of the State Archives Joined Wikipedia Project

The management of the State Archives encourages the professional development of the institution employees by registering them at trainings on topics related to archival activity. On Friday, 6 December 2024, a conference was held for professionals from GLAM-institutions, such as galleries, libraries, archives and museums in the Brothers Miladinovci Library - Skopje. The conference was attended by archivists from the departments of the State Archives - Kumanovo and Skopje, and consisted of theoretical and practical part regarding the use of Wikipedia and contributing to the development of the encyclopedia. The creation of Wikipedia content and digitization of documents related to cultural-historic heritage was the key message sent to the conference participants.

The event was organized by the Wikipedia Macedonia Association, which gave certificates to the participants.

на Викимедија МКД за вработени во ГЛАМ институции 24
на Викимедија МКД за вработени во ГЛАМ институции 20
на Викимедија МКД за вработени во ГЛАМ институции 14

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