
Participation of representatives of the State Archives at the General Assembly and the 26th Convention of the International Centrе for Archival Research (ICARUS)

The General Assembly of the International Center for Archival Research – ICARUS[1] , on May 25th held its second regular annual meeting for 2021. This meeting of the General Assembly of ICARUS, like the previous one, was held online on the Zoom platform, and at the same time the 26th Convention of this international association was held

The State Archives at the General Assembly and at the 26th ICARUS Convention was represented by the Director, Dr. Emil Krsteski, and a representative of the Sector for Research, International and Domestic Cooperation, and Publication of Archival Material.

Representatives of the State Archives, along with the remaining members of this international organization, had the opportunity to discuss and decide on its future agenda of activities, called "Agenda 2023".

The reports of the three working groups in charge of "Agenda 2023" were presented at the General Assembly, which was adopted by voting of the participants. The first working group was in charge of communication in the ICARUS network, the second working group for the projects of this international archival organization, and the third for the online portals.

The first working group was in charge of communication in the ICARUS network, the second working group for the projects of this international archival organization, and the third for the online portals

"Agenda 2023" defines the main goals of ICARUS and the challenges that this organization faces during its operation, new ways of cooperation, networking, and professional support are accepted, as well as the development of new educational programs.

At the ICARUS Convention, the main emphasis was placed on programs and projects at the European level, which finance activities related to cultural heritage, and the projects of this organization were presented, respectively the projects in which ICARUS is an active participant or supporter (projects: Time Machine, European Digital Treasures/platforms: Topothek, Monasterium, Matricula).  

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[1] International centre for archival research – ICARUS –

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