Deputy Director of the State Archives, Muzafer Bislimi, was on a working visit to the Islamic religious community of the Republic of North Macedonia, where he was welcomed by the President, Reisul Ulema h.f.z. Shaqir ef. Fetai. The meeting was also attended by the Director of the Waqif Sector Driton Dikena, Dr. Adnan Sherif, Head of the Documentation Sector, and Mr. Ramiz Jakupi, head of the Department for expert supervision and professional assistance to the holders in the State Archives.
На оваа средба, реисул улема ги информираше гостите за функционирањето на Исламската верска заедница и за предизвиците со кои се соочува оваа институција. Потоа, страните разговараа за воспоставување соработка меѓу Државниот архив и Исламската верска заедница, која ќе вклучува размена на документација и разни искуства во сите области од значење за двете институции и реализација на заеднички проекти во иднина.
During the meeting, they thanked the BFI mayor for the time and hospitality. They praised the tireless and fruitful work of Reisul Ulema and wished him good health and many successes in leading this highest Islamic institution in the country. On this occasion, Deputy Director Bislimi presented Reisul Ulema with three volumes of Ottoman Documentation on the History of Albanians in Skopje, Tetovo, and Kichevo, published by SARNM in recent years in Albanian and Macedonian.
On this occasion, Reis Shakir ef. Fetai also awarded them the latest publications from the Islamic Religious Community.