The new double issue of the Makedonski Arhivist journal (No. 29-30, 2021), which is published by the State Archives, has printed current, expert and scientific historic articles, which attract the attention of the readers. On the occasion of the 70th jubilee of the State Archives, celebrated on 1 April 2021, the journal published the address by the sponsor of the event, the president of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Zoran Zaev, with the title Foundation of Identity. The director of the State Archives, Dr. Emil Krsteski emphasised the significance of the Archives for the state and the science in his address titled as Keeper of Our Past - Beacon to our Future.
The authors of the monograph Seal of Time - 70 Years of State Archives (1951 - 2021), Dr. Branislav Svetozarevikj and Dr. Jasmina Damjanovska, dedicated two texts for the creation of this important work which follows the history of the Archives since its establishment until today. Tatjana Sapundjioska-Aleksoksa, in the text Essential Source of History represents a part of Skopje's rich history, which was promoted at the exhibition Skopje City Municipality, opened in last November.
The redaction board of the Makedonski Arhivist journal had the pleasure to give space to long years archival professionals, such as Aco Angjelovski, who writes about the process of depositing the archive material, Slavica Nikolovska, who published a text on the Macedonian Archival Integrated Information System - from idea to realization. Elisaveta Markovikj successfully presented the Methods of Preventive Preservation of Archival Material and Fonds from Biological Agents, an article which is exceptionally useful for the archivists working in the depositories. Rebeka Bajdevska - Gjoševska presented to the readers the Fond State Hospital - Veles, (1922 - 1944), while Jasmina Damjanovska covered the Activity of the Archives Center in Titov Veles, 1951 - 1953 - Report of its first Head, Petar Stojanovski. Ljupka Todorovska MA, introduced the readers with the publication Chronicles of the Lerin Region Villages, volume 2, book 1, by the authors: Dr. Katerina Mirčevska, Dr. Ljubica Jančeva and Dr. Dimitar Ljorovski.
The quality and importance of this expert publication is confirmed with the publishing of three expert articles by foreign archival professionals. Such are the articles: Moscow - with Respect for History by Maria Muzalevskaya, the text by Mikhail Nikolaevich Butirsky and Pavel Lukin Evgenievich about the journey of the historian P. N. Milyukov at the beginning of the 20th century. From the neighbouring Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Rosica Angjelova, published an article in the Makedonski Arhivist about the First World War events at the territory of Macedonia. Doc. Dr. Elvis Orbanić introduced to us the book by Vlatka Lemić, Archives and Digital Era, published in Zagreb.
The prominent historians from our country always increase the value of this journal with their fundamental researches published in the articles. In this double issue we were honoured with a published article by Dr. Dragica Popovska about the activities of the Union of the Veteran Associations of NOB. Dr. Sašo Dodevski focused on the diplomatic history in the documents about the Yugoslavia-Sudan relations and the Macedonian personnel. Dr. Borče Ilievski provided an overview of the work Ottoman Documents on the History of Macedonia - Censuses from the 19th century, Skopje Sanjak, Casa Skopje (1832/33), published by the State Archives.
The prominent researcher Blagoj Zašov writes about the history of Macedonia and Krushevo in the period of 1901 - 1903 based on his research in the Romanian archives. Since last year, the Makedonski Arhivist journal is delivered to the Skopje secondary schools as a syllabus aid so that the students can get familiarised with the archival science and the subjects of the Macedonian history. The new issue of the Makedonski Arhivist can be obtained in the State Archives.