
Strengthening of Institutional Activities and Processes in the State Archives

Today, the Deputy Director of the State Archives, Dimitar Bogeski M.A., had a working visit of the State Archives Department of Kumanovo, and met the employees and the heads of this Department. The concept of the Archives management foresees frequent and constant visits of the nine Departments in the country, with the aim of providing support and help in overcoming all the challenges they face, collecting ideas for improving the institutional work and archival practice. These visits are the basis for preparing short-term and mid-term plans for development of the institution.

Good professional communication and exchange of information of the management and the personnel contribute in improved results.

The State Archives Department of Kumanovo, headed by Vulnet Iseni, M.A., has a territorial jurisdiction in the northeastern municipalities in the country. The oldest documents kept in this Department date from 1870, and most of the archive materials are with provenance from the period after the Second World War.

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