
The State Archives will be enriched with Krume Kepeski's Legacy

The Archives as the repository of the documented National heritage is constantly striving to augment its repository of archive funds with new archive materials. We we truly honoured that Dr. Jovanka Kepeska, daughter and legal successor of the distinguished Macedonian and author of the first Macedonian Grammar, professor Krume Kepeski (1909-1988), signed an Agreement with the director of the State Archives, Dr. Natasa Kotlar-Trajkova.

With this agreement, the State Archives will become owner of the archive material created during the life and work of professor Kepeski, such as documents, photographs, expert handbooks, antic books, articles, etc. The Archives agrees to use the donated materials for organizing public events connected to Kepeski's biography, as well as the publishing of the Macedonian Grammar.

The researchers will have access to priceless sources for deepening the research in the area of grammar, translation, pedagogy and all that was a part of Krume Kespeski's professional interests during his lifetime. The State Archives is the place for keeping the documents which testify about the history of great individuals and their scientific feats.

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