
Incentive for succession of archival material

The Director of the State Archives, Dr. Emil Krsteski, on September 30, 2019 had a meeting with HE Mrs. Duшаanka Divjak Tomi,, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to our country, who was accompanied by the Consul, Mrs. Aleksandra уриurica.

The meeting discussed the role of archives in modern life and the needs and tendencies to intensify the digitalization and computerization of archives.

Dr. Emil Krsteski said that the State Archive of the Republic of Northern Macedonia has signed agreements and memoranda of cooperation with several archival institutions from the Republic of Serbia, and what we need to work on together is the implementation of the Succession Agreement of the former SFRY, ie the implementation of the Annex. E of that Agreement, which regulates the issues of succession of archival material.

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