As part of the 34th Conference – International Archives week 2024, organized by the International Institute for Archival Science from Trieste and Maribor, Alma Mater Europaea University, and the Historical Archives of the European Union, and within the framework of the OPENARCH project – Open Archives for Social Science Research in Widening Countries, the Deputy Director of the State Archives, Mr. Dimitar Bogeski, met with the Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union, Prof. Dr. Dieter Schlenker. The meeting focused on the involvement of the State Archives in projects and discussions aimed at aligning our Law on Archive Material with European archival legislation. Svetlana Usprcova, Head of the Research, International and Domestic Cooperation, and Archive Material Publication Department, presented the operational procedures of the State Archives, with a special emphasis on the timelines for accessing public archive materials.
Collaboration with the Historical Archives of the European Union
Во рамките на 34. Конференција – Меѓународни архивски денови 2024 година, организирана од Меѓународниот институт