
The documentary heritage of the Macedonian minority in Albania – subject of cooperation with the MD "Ilinden" – Tirana

The State Archives' cooperation with the Macedonian minority community in Tirana, Republic of Albania, has been formalized. Today, Mr. Marjan Gijovski, Tulaj Ademi, and Ms. Biljana Krstevska, as representatives of the institution, held a working meeting with Nikola Gjurgjaj, president of the Macedonian Society "Ilinden" in Tirana. During the meeting, and with the authorization of the Director of the State Archives, Dr. Natasha Kotlar-Trajkova, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed, outlining the direction of collaboration between the two parties. Activities to begin at the start of the coming year include the collection of archival materials from the legacy of prominent representatives of the Macedonian minority in Albania, the publication of joint publications, and research efforts. The State Archives aims to establish archival collections with documents related to the history of Macedonian organizations operating in neighboring countries.

The Memorandum of Cooperation is the first such agreement signed by the "Ilinden" society with an institution from our country.

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