The book Letters of Ljubomir Miletic to Afanasy M. Selischev (history of a mystification) has been promoted.
The State Archives rounded up the year with today's promotion of the most recent publication "Letters of Ljubomir Miletic to Afanasiy M Selischev (history of a mystification) by Dr. Branislav Svetozarevic and Dragan Jakjoski. The work treats documents which tell the story of the relation between the scientist and the state propaganda, the creation of "scientific" books for lucrative purposes, while the aim was to represent the Macedonian dialects in the first half of the 20th century. The authors deal with demystification of the work of the famous Russian Slavicist Afanasy Matveyevich Selischev, which still has its reflection.
The event was addressed by the publisher, Dr. Natasha Kotlar-Trajkova, the author, Dr. Branislav Svetozarevic, the promoters, Dr. Mihajlo Minoski, Dr. Dimitar Pandev and Dr. Valentina Mironska-Hristovska. Moderator of the event was Bogdan Ilievski.